Granite Counter Tops Leaching Green Stains

by Lynda
(Charleston, SC)


I am having a problem with granite counters. We have had them for four months. Green is leaching through on edges, near seams and on top. The granite is Golden Splendor. Thanks!


The green granite stains you are seeing near the seams, etc. are almost certainly from the adhesive used to glue the countertops down and the seams together.

This issue seems to be associated with accelerants sometimes used with the glues.

Typically the stains show up more quickly, and can be difficult to get rid of. They can be permanent since the source cannot be removed and just saturates the granite.

Your only hope, besides tear out and start over is to try and get the stains out following the instructions in the Removing Granite & Marble Stains ebook.

You'll likely have to repeat the process over time, but it's often effective.

Comments for Granite Counter Tops Leaching Green Stains

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EZ Off and Green Stain on Granite
by: Anonymous

I too had a green stain on the lip of the granite countertop where the sink was glued on. One spot only approx 7 inches long. Primarily on the lip and not the top surface.

Fabricator said he had seen it twice. Came over and tried to clean with some compound. Only one application and did not leave it so I could re-apply.

I found a posting that said heat and use EZ off lemon scented. He said try without heating first. So I did.

After 6 or so applications over 5 hours or so, it is GONE. I'm ecstatic.

Left it on the surface for 15 min. each time and wiped of with a paper towel. Never saw any on the towel thinking it wasn't working. But after a few times the stain was less and less.

Using oven cleaner to remove green glue spots
by: Anonymous

I have green around by the glue line. The owner of the granite company told me to use Easy Off Oven cleaner. He said to spray the green area with the cleaner liberally and then put a paper towel on it and then seal the area with plastic wrap taping the edges. Has anyone herd of doing this to remove the green spots.

==== Countertop Specialty comment:

This is not a method we are aware of, but possibly he stumbled across this method and found it works.

I'd be cautious since oven cleaner is pretty caustic and may etch or otherwise damage the surface. This does not happen easily with granite, but it is possible, so I'd test a small area first to see if any negative effects from the oven cleaner.

If not, then give the method a try and report back. If it does work, that is good info since this is a tricky problem with a somewhat involved and time-consuming solution traditionally.

One more thing though... the company that installed the granite should take responsibility for removing the stains and not put it on your shoulders. Good luck!

Green Stain at Install Gets Worse
by: Michael in Denver

Adhesive might be one answer, but I don't think it's right for a newly installed granite counter. My new counters had faint staining at some cut edges at the time of install. It's gotten worse over the last three months.

=== Countertop Specialty comment:

Well, certainly other things could cause a stain, however, this type of green stain in marble or granite countertops specifically occurs at the time of install and does result from use of certain types of glues and curing accelerators.

A tell-tale sign of an adhesive stain is that it gets progressively worse in the days/weeks right after install... when the glue is fresh and curing.

"Normal" stains from something simply absorbing into the countertop do not get worse. Normal stains can change color some, or spread slightly and go deeper into the stone, but this happens over many months to years (if the stain is simply neglected).

Normal granite / marble stains do not get worse rapidly like stains from adhesives used during install.

So, who knows exactly what stained your countertop, but since your top is newly installed, the stain is green and noticeably getting worse... it is almost certainly from adhesives used during the countertop installation.

Granite Countertops leeching
by: Bill

Hi, For the leeching of the green color, if it is a fairly fresh install you should probably approach the installer to see if they can come fix it.

After all it is their name that will get tarnished if all your friends see it!



granite counter tops leaching green stain
by: Anonymous

The green is only NEAR one seam. All others are on the beveled edge or on top randomly. And they are increasing in number.


Exactly. Glue is always used at the edge and at various other points on the cabinet tops, which may appear random. And they are increasing in number as more and more areas where glue was used finally leach through.

Contact your installer. After 4 months they will probably not claim responsibility, but no other reasonable explanation unless you've been doing or using something highly unusual on your granite.

Good Luck,

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