Cloudy Blotches on Silestone Countertop

cloudy blotches beige Silestone countertops around sink


We have a problem with our Silestone countertops.

It first started with a cloudy look underneath our drainboard. Now we have cloudy blotches in other spots!

The countertop is about 3 years old. The problem started after about one year.

We contacted Silestone numerous times. They came to our house and tried to rub it out-no good! They said it had to be something we did! No way!! They wouldn't stand behind their product.

What can we do? We are contemplating going with real granite. I told my wife we would have been better off with Formica! Help. Tom


Stains in Silestone or any other quartz countertop occur just like stains in stone... a substance absorbs into the stone creating a dark spot. (Yes, quartz / Silestone can stain).

However, cloudy or light-colored marks on quartz countertops are usually from chemical damage and are permanent.

Related Content:
Quartz Countertop Stains Explained

There isn't a good explanation why the countertop would suddenly change or "develop" a problem after a year.

All damage to any surface is due to something done to it.

Now, it may be that you didn't do anything that should have damaged the surface or you may not have known that a particular behavior/habit could be damaging (very common).

It's also important to note that not all quartz countertops are of the same quality.

Even though the basic "recipe" for making quartz countertops is the same, each brand may use a variation with different percentages and quality of resins.

So, some brands of quartz countertops have problems, stains, or chemical reactions that may not occur on other brands of quartz.

Other Reasons For Quartz & Silestone Problems

Not every quartz countertop brand will suffer the same problems in the same way. But, in general...

cloudy blotches gray Silestone from cleaner damage

Silestone and all other brands have issues with dull spots, cloudy blotches, white marks, haziness, or staining due to:

  • Discoloration or bleached out white spots from harsh cleaners (common - see photo above) are permanent.

  • Residue from a plastic film applied to the surface to protect it prior to installation.

  • Manufacturing defects like white spots, lines, rough, spots, or anomalies in the color & pattern.

  • Manufacturing defects in the surface finish (should be shiny but is dull - streaky).

  • Unusual wearing down of surface finish.

  • Color fading from sunlight exposure.

  • Installers unwittingly using damaging chemicals.

  • Glues used to install the countertops reacting with the resin. Not common but possible near seams, edges, sinks.

  • Stain from certain foods or drinks like coffee or tea. White quartz countertops are most prone to food stains. Food stains are darker or the color of the staining substance.

  • Heat can discolor or scorch quartz when setting hot pots on the surface, from using countertop cooking appliances, or even heat from a dishwasher.

Only a small percentage of all quartz countertops will have problems. But as a group, such problems are common enough.

No countertop material is perfect. All have faults.

So, when the cloudy blotches, haziness, roughness, streaks, or marks are apparent immediately after installation, it is likely due to a manufacturing defect, chemicals used by the installers, or the residue left from the protective plastic coating.

However, if the cloudy blotches, stains, or dullness occur after you've used the countertop, then likely it's due to a chemical or cleaner that is damaging to Silestone or most other quartz countertops.

How Do You Clean Cloudy Quartz Countertops?

Often it is difficult to determine the cause of cloudy Silestone or quartz countertops or know how to get stains out of Silestone.

However, the following products have proven to work in some cases (except bleached out white spots from chemical damage = permanent).

For regular cleaning use a quality Quartz Countertop Cleaner to avoid damage and for a steak-free shine. Try this first on stains but if stubborn, then...

  • Bar Keeper’s Friend is the most consistently successful removing cloudiness
    and stains.

    The Bar Keeper’s Friend soft cream is less abrasive.

    Note: Test first. Silestone is highly scratch-resistant but in rare cases, abrasives can dull quartz.

  • Soft Scrub Oxi is much less abrasive than BKF so use this first if you're worried about scratching the surface. But it may not get a stain out.

  • Magic Eraser can remove stains and blotchy appearance from protective film residue. It is abrasive. Test first.

  • Gel-Gloss Polish can sometimes remove cloudiness as well.

  • Diluted bleach (8 parts water / 1 part bleach) works for some spots (WARNING: this is a risky choice as bleach can permanently discolor most quartz countertops).

  • Acetone is helpful for removing ink stains and sticky residues BUT can discolor quartz in some cases. Wash and rinse the area thoroughly after applying.

Important to note... depending on the quality of the quartz, some products are abrasive and may cause slight dullness when used.

You may remove a stain but the finish is now slightly dull. This is a potential tradeoff you must consider.

Always test products or solutions for cleaning cloudy Silestone or quartz stains in a more hidden area first.

And using a non-abrasive scrub pad is always a good idea.

Silestone and quartz countertops are not supposed to scratch but in reality, it can happen.

It's the binding resin that is soft, not the hard quartz, that gets scratched leaving a dull area.

And in order to stop future damage, discoloration, or cloudy blotches, you need to be aware that it is almost certainly the result of something you are doing.

Even if the type of cleaner used or your habits are not supposed to damage Silestone or quartz... sometimes strange reactions occur.

City tap water can cause dull spots or cloudiness. Many treated city water supplies are slightly acidic and can etch certain countertop materials including Silestone and other quartz brands.

Etching on quartz countertops (dull spots from acidic substances) should not occur as on marble, but it does happen on some quartz surfaces.

So, maybe the water or some type of soap or cleaner you are using (not all soaps are "mild").

Without knowing what types of products were used on the Silestone countertops, it's hard to say what caused it.

Related Content:
Best Quartz Cleaning & Polishing Products

If considering a change, then I recommend granite countertops.

Quartz manufacturers make a big issue about sealing granite, that Silestone has greater flexibility, Silestone countertops don't stain, etc.

Silestone and quartz countertops can stain. Sealing granite is not a big issue and not necessary on all granite countertops, flexibility is irrelevant.

That's not to say granite countertops are perfect. Granite has its own issues and requirements too.

Typical performance is nearly the same when comparing daily use of Granite vs. Silestone or quartz countertop materials.

However, stains in granite can almost always be removed and most types of damage repaired where discoloration stains or other finish damage to quartz is often permanent.

Silestone and engineered quartz countertops are still excellent, but repairability is a big advantage.

Cloudiness and Silestone problems don't happen in many cases, but when they do it's nice to have some options other than to live with it or tear it out.

FAQ's: Cloudy Blotches on Silestone Countertops

How do you fix dull spots on quartz?
Honestly, repolishing dull spots on quartz is hit or miss. In some cases on quartz, this Granite Polishing Kit works great.

How do you restore the shine to Silestone?
The Topical Granite & Marble Polish will protect and enhance the shine so it really pops.

Does Silestone fade in the sunlight?
Yes, UV rays will cause colored dyes in Silestone to fade or yellow.

Can you put hot pans on Silestone quartz?
Yes & no. Silestone is heat-resistant to a point or for a short period. It's best to set hot pans on a trivet or risk permanently scorching the surface.

Comments for Cloudy Blotches on Silestone Countertop

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Repainting over cloudiness
by: Anonymous

Can I touch up a cloudy area on my Silestone that is in the shower under the glass door?

It is all milky. A serviceman said it was permanent.

Paint? Stain? Anything to get rid of the milkiness on copper mist Silestone?

==== Countertop Specialty comment:

No. As the article above explains, bleached out, milky, or cloudy spots on quartz surfaces are permanent discolorations.

This type of damage occurs from harsh cleaners which bleach out the dyes in the quartz.

Yes, you could paint over it but it must be water-proof paint which there are few. Probably wouldn't work well.

An epoxy coating could work. But you'd have to paint or epoxy over the entire shower or the step will look different.

Now, if the cloudiness is really faint and more like a dull film, then it may just be soap scum. Soap scum is difficult to remove and under the shower door could be a place it would easily build up.

This Soap Scum and Hard Water Remover would clean it off.

Incidentally, this product is also the best for just regular shower cleaning on quartz and natural stone. Non-damaging and keeps all films from forming.

However, if this was the case you'd likely see soap film over all the walls in the lower half of your shower too. And the serviceman probably would have diagnosed this as well.

So, in all likelihood... it is permanent discoloration and there isn't a good solution except possibly an epoxy coating.

Lye Stain in Quartz Countertop
by: Suzzanne

I have a white lye water stain in my quartz. You can’t feel it on the surface. This can’t be resurfaced? Just replace?

==== Countertop Specialty comment:

If by "white" you mean a chalky bleached out spot, then such spots are almost always permanent.

Lye is very caustic like bleach. Such chemicals affect the resin used to manufacture a quartz countertop.

This resin is dyed according to the design of the countertop. But if it gets bleached out, or causes a rough spot, there is no way to fix it.

Same as if you spill bleach on the carpet or your clothes. There is no way to put the color back.

Strong chemicals (which includes many generic and common brand-name household cleaners) should not be used on or around quartz countertops or any surface really.

You can try Bar Keeper’s Friend which can remove some stains in quartz.

BKF works wonders on most quartz but not all quartz is made to the same standard so you need to test it out first. It is abrasive and can cause some dullness of the surface. Again, it's the resin that gets marred.

However, it will not remove chemically discolored spots.

New Silestone Surface White Spots
by: Scott

My kitchen countertops are being installed and I noticed white spots in the iconic black slab.

These were polished by the installer and became dull patches.

They are going to replace the surface for me and I have seen another slab in their warehouse with fewer white spots.

After reading this I am changing to another surface, thanks guys.

Awful Awful Experience Vicostone
by: Ally

We just spent $10,000 on Vicostone Arabescato quartz countertop to put on our kitchen island.

I was like a baby's mother protecting the quartz from the moment it was put in. I didn't let anyone practically touch it!

A few days after install I noticed that when I put a cup down the cup rim remained.

As days went by I noticed that a plate left a mark... anything we put down left a mark... I couldn't wipe these marks away!!!

I have had the quartz for 4 weeks and now its a mess!!! With stains and marks etc. all over it!

I called the company guess what they said....Oh its your fault. You did something. Sorry, you stained it...

ARE you KIDDING ME??? So this is the talking point that all companies use to not take responsibility for their product? Wow.

They will not hear the end of my truth about what happened to us with this countertop and the company TRITON in Nashville that sold it to us. Do Not EVER use them!!!

Stains on gray Silestone FIRST DAY
by: Robert

I didn't notice the 'stains' until a couple of hours after the contractors left.

There are darker stains here and there on the surface and one place which is especially noticeable.

They were literally just installed. I had not used the kitchen yet. No groceries were set down, no glasses, nothing.

I wiped them with water but the stains remained. I left a message and emailed pictures to the contractor but being as that was 6PM Friday, I have not heard back.

I am seriously PO'd. Let me re-emphasize, these stains are there upon installation. The kitchen has not been used since they finished work.

==== Countertop Specialty comment:

The stains could be due to something used during installation like glue particularly if the stains exhibit any kind of pattern. But this is rare for quartz and Silestone countertops.

Could also be a defect in that particular quartz slab. But again, an obvious defect is not likely to make it out of the factory.

Certainly, follow up with your installer.

Film & Spots on New Unique Calacatta by COMPAC
by: Victor

Had Unique Calacatta engineered stone surface installed and after a month (without using the kitchen yet) noticed like a film/spots coming out on the surface.

COMPAC replaced the slabs and then now after 2 months and not using the kitchen yet again the film/spots are resurfacing.

Does anyone know why new quartz countertops are cloudy/spotty or why this is happening? I have not cleaned them at all.

==== Countertop Specialty comment:

Sometimes a plastic sheeting is placed on the slab to protect it before installation. After the removal of this film, a residue may remain, which can cause strange cloudy or blotchy spots or a dull appearance.

The COMPAC "Unique" collection is a man-made quartz countertop and this technology has been around for a long time, however, COMPAC may have tweaked the process a bit leading to problems not typically seen.

I'm not saying this is actually the case, but it could also have something to do with a fault in their manufacturing. A surface finish defect.

Silestone Spotting
by: Sue

I have noticed the same problem over time. I would not call it stains, but there is spotting left behind after sponging the countertops. You can see the pattern from the sponge all over the countertop.

I don’t believe we ‘accidentally’ used a chemical that left the marks on the Silestone.

We have used the same sponge brand and same mild cleaning agent sprayed on the counter for wiping down the counter.

I went back to the place where we got the Silestone and were told, ‘yeah, that sometimes happens over time"!! SO bummed!!

New quartz counter has shadow like stains
by: CL

Thought I was seeing a shadow on our white quartz countertop but it turns out it's a stain.

It's unusual in shape. The size of a medium pizza. I think I see another stain starting to appear as well. Wasn't there 2 months ago and I mainly use a wet towel to wipe it after spraying with 409 (made for stone) or Fantastik (also made for stone).

What could be the cause?

Never put hot pots on it. Always use placemats.

How do I get rid of these Silestone stains?

==== Countertop Specialty comment:

That's a large stain. White quartz is the most susceptible to stains of all quartz countertop colors.

Only two real possibilities...

1. Something got onto the surface and stained or discolored it. This could be a surface food stain or spot caused by a reaction of some chemical or product with the resins used to make the countertop.

2. A stain has developed from the glue used during installation.

Number two does occur with granite but not really known to be an issue with quartz countertops.

Kitchen countertops get lots of abuse and next to impossible to always be vigilant. Sometimes things get spilled or set on the surface that can cause a problem.

Try cleaning with Bar Keeper’s Friend. Works wonders on some quartz stains.

Soft Scrub gel with bleach seems to be particularly effective on white quartz countertops.

But note: bleach is damaging to quartz. When diluted or as an ingredient in a product it is not so harmful, but still, you should limit contact (clean quickly) and then thoroughly wash and rinse the area.

Dusty looking white quartz countertop
by: Silvia

My husband and I recently had all new quartz countertop installed. When they finished I noticed that it looks sort of rough like it has a film of dust all over it! Is this normal?

==== Countertop Specialty comment:

Of course, the surface may be dusty after install, but typically installers will clean it.

So, I have to assume you mean it looks dusty despite cleaning it.

There may be a film on the surface or a residue remaining from the film.

Quartz can have a film applied to protect the surface during transport. Usually, this is very obvious but perhaps in this case not so.

Or it may just be the effect of the particular pattern.

Or it could be a defect in the surface finish.

Silestone Problem with Adhesive
by: Arnold

I am a custom home builder and most of the complaints on here about the cloudy spots appearing after installation seem to point to the adhesive used underneath the top and sometimes the type of subtop used (plywood type and species).

Chemicals are in everything these days and no one does compatibility tests!

Possible resolution
by: Clint

We, too, have a patch of "whiting" or "clouding" on our counter top in one area. We've only cleaned with windex, but I won't get into whose fault it might be.

I will say that two days ago we pulled out the HOWARD feed and wax wood polish and conditioner and rubbed it in the area. WOW! What a difference.

I'll keep an eye on the area and let you all know how the test concludes. I have high hopes.

Cosentino Rep and Installer Answer 10/27/17
by: Tommie Nieman


The peel coat is put on the slabs to protect the slabs during the shipping process. It’s a thin layer of plastic they apply (just like the put on a Computer monitors) to keep it from getting scratched.

We peel it off once the slabs arrive at our location.

For some reason on the Tebas Black, it left a residue that will only come off with Weiman's Glass Cooktop Cleaner and a Scotch Brite Pad!

This does not affect the warranty going forward. I’ve Copied our Cosentino rep if I’m missing anything he can add to this!


That is correct. Our Spain facility is working to either change the way the material is protected during shipping and / or find out what is on the plastic that is being left in the surface from my understanding.


Notice, he said IN THE SURFACE. This is consistent with what my granite salesman said, and the Silestone installer said it was not "on the surface."

This is their new product that seems to address the issues we have experienced... Silestone N-Boost.

Cosentino S.A.
Silestone® Quartz Surfaces
2245 Texas Drive, Suite 600
Sugar Land, TX 77479 USA
Attn: Warranty Administrator
Email: [email protected]

I will come back with my progress report. Good luck to one and all.

Silestone Tebas Black came with silver/gray splotches
by: Tommie Nieman

I WISH I had found this Website before I purchased Silestone. The installer sent their expert out twice to try to remove the hand print from the island, but nothing he used worked.

Yes, he used oven cleaner. I suppose I am one of the lucky ones, because Silestone is going to send the installer back out to polish about 60 sq ft of defective product.

The installer already tried to replace the slabs, but the second, supposedly "new and improved that would not have the same problems version" was worse.

We did get to inspect the second slab and the installer agreed that it was worse and did not bring it out.

So, the scam continues and I just wish I could get a refund from Home Depot, which rates its own Lie detector failure warning. Last lie, "Let me get with Pamela ad I'll call you back." Greenville, TX location. Still waiting. Buyer Beware

Help! Easy-Off Oven Cleaner Stains on Silestone
by: Claire

I have about 10 fingertip-sized circular rough dull spots in my gray quartz countertop next to the stove.

If you look at them closely, it seems like there are tiny cracks in them. They can't be seen in normal daylight, but are very obvious when the stovetop light is on.

I can't be certain, but I think they may have been caused when the house cleaner used Easy-Off oven cleaner on the stovetop. Any tips? Thank you.

==== Countertop Specialty comment:

Quite likely the Easy-Off cleaner did create these spots. It is a very potent product and should not be used on or around countertop surfaces.

Some chemicals will discolor quartz countertops. Unfortunately, such spots are usually permanent.

You may try cleaning with Bar Keeper's Friend which is sometimes helpful, but be prepared that you may not be able to remove or repair Silestone discoloration.

Removing Cloudy Spots in Quartz Countertops
by: John

Try our company - Surface Link. We specialize in Quartz countertop repairs and especially surface issues. Repair is all we do. We do not fabricate or install, so all of our time is focused on repairing Silestone, Quartz, Granite, and Solid Surface.
1800 482 1774

Cloudy Blotches Prior to Silestone Installation
by: Gerry T.

I understand that, often, it's the owner of the quartz countertops causing the problem.

But I have to take issue with any statement indicating that it definitely is the owner and can't be anything else.

I posted on here some time back that my new Silestone had cloudy blotches.

They were apparent as the quartz was being carried into my house. I thought it was dirt that the installers would wipe off.

But it wasn't. These were greyish areas. The most prominent ones disappeared ON THEIR OWN(!)-- just faded away, which was good.

Some of the very light ones remain. These blotches were apparent before I had even walked into the kitchen near them, so I hate to read that someone is being told it can only be the fault of the owner.

Silestone white countertops marks and streaks
by: Betty

We just installed white quartz Silestone countertops in our kitchen.

We have only used a buffer cloth with warm, slightly soapy water to clean it. After three days, we had a glass-shaped watermark on it.

After that, we were extremely careful with the countertop, literally wiping up every small spill or drop of liquid as soon as it happened.

Four weeks later and our countertop is speckled with cloudy white marks and streaks - not one or two, but over 20!

I love to cook but feel sad and angry every time I walk in my kitchen. Like everyone else, we were told it was our fault.

My recommendation? Save yourself the heartache. Choose a different material for your countertop.

Cloudy spots on quartz countertop!
by: Marie

I have Blue Sahara Silestone in my kitchen. There were 4 cloudy spots on the counter that I could not remove.

Called about this and had same comment- I did something to cause it. I know I didn't because I was always careful what I used on counter.

I was recently told that spots can be buffed out but the manufacturer nor installer will send someone out.

So the installer tells me to get Kenny' s Silestone spot remover. Used this in hidden area and didn't notice anything.

Well the little spots that were driving me crazy are now huge spots. Don't use that spot remover on Silestone.

White Cloudy Quartz Stain Above Dishwasher
by: Jim

We had Caesarstone black quartz installed a year ago. Nothing but problems from day one.

But now we have a large white cloudy square right above where the dishwasher is installed.

Can the heat from the dishwasher be causing the cloudy stain?

=== Countertop Specialty comment:

Well, heat from a dishwasher really should not affect quartz countertops installed over the dishwasher, but since engineered countertops contain resins and other chemicals weird reactions are possible.

Without inspecting this in person it would be difficult to say if there is a direct cause or not and/or how it may have happened.

Quartz countertops, in general, are heat-resistant to a point, but most warn not to use countertop cooking appliances that get hot and to not put hot pans directly on the surface.

So, it may be that your dishwasher runs extra hot, the heat gets trapped or whatever and is sufficient to affect the resins in the Caesarstone countertop.

Mystery Blotch
by: Ann

I had beige-colored quartz countertops installed yesterday and thought the dark spot I saw as they carried it through the door was a dirty handprint.

They damaged my cabinets installing the counter, so I focused on that when I was talking to them and didn't notice that the dark blotch (2 inch diameter) had remained after their cleanup. It would not wipe off.

I emailed the cabinet people about it immediately. The strangest thing though. About three hours later it seemed to be fading away on its own!

This morning I could barely see it, so when the fabricator requested a photo of the bad spot, I had nothing to provide and felt that they probably thought I was a fraud trying to get a price reduction or something.

So, how can something like that just disappear? Could it be temperature related? I used only a damp, soft cloth -- no cleaning agent. And there was nothing near it overnight. Could it reappear?

===== Countertop Specialty comment:

I agree, that is very strange. I could give you some reasons if it was a granite countertop (i.e. something had absorbed and then evaporated) but on a quartz countertop this is not likely.

And if it was from chemical damage then it would not simply vanish. However, chemical damage on quartz countertops usually looks dull or whitish.

Also, not likely something that was on the surface and was cleaned off. Logically, it would be there and then completely gone once cleaned. It wouldn't fade away over time.

One other possibility is that it was a mark left from a suction cup used to move the slab. Usually, these marks are larger but possible.

Polishing quartz countertops
by: Anonymous

I have read several comments about quartz surface being polished.

I have been doing counter tops for 11 yrs. I wanted to say YOU CAN NOT POLISH THE TOP SURFACE OF QUARTZ.

Only the fabricated edges can be polished, and even then they don't match the surface but its hard to tell because they sit at a different angle from the top surface.

It will never match in texture. Do not let anyone polish the surface of your quartz counter tops!!! I can not stress it enough.

And if you have had a company do that, request them to change your counter tops, they have likely ruined them.

Grey Caesarstone Quartz - Cloudy / Splotch marks
by: Lisa

I have dark grey Caesarstone countertops in part of my kitchen. They both have cloudy splotchy marks all over the surface.

It is not like a stain or a specific mark and can really be seen when the sunlight hits it.

It started after about one year, or maybe that is just when I started to notice it.

I have never used any cleaner except the natural stone cleaner or windex. I called the manufacturer and looked on their website and they told me to use soft scrub gel with bleach.

It didn't help, so I am online looking for other solutions - when I found this page. I have also tried magic eraser and that didn't help either.

I have granite, limestone, and marble surfaces in my house and none of them have this issue. (the limestone pits and stains from water, but that is to be expected over time).

Once the manufacturer realizes it's a surface issue and not a user issue, (or that the surface reacts with a common household product or something unexpectedly) I hope they publish something or offer a solution.

I just want my countertop to look like it is supposed to, especially when I know for certain that I did not cause any damage to it.

Any other suggestions that you have heard from other customers that have not posted on this blog would be helpful. Thank you!

Concentric circles visible after refinishing
by: Frank

Just installed quartz countertop was dull.

They sent it back to be it has concentric circles visible when wet from wiping surface.

Do I have a defective countertop?

==== Countertop Specialty comment:

Hard to say if it is "defective". Who knows exactly what was done to the surface to improve the gloss finish.

It could be marks from polishing, but if you don't like the results, then don't accept it.

However, if the surface looks good (no visible circles) when dry, then likely not an issue.

Inspect closely and from far away, in various light and different angles and see what you think.

The countertop will only be wet when cleaning for a few moments, so if it looks good dry, then why worry about it?

Cloudy spots on Silestone - Countertop Replaced
by: Toby P.

We too had cloudy spots on our Silestone "Stellar Night" kitchen countertops after about 3 years.

Silestone of Atlanta replaced the entire countertop under warranty.

The installers indicated that they had experienced the same issues before.

The new installation has not had problems now for nearly 4 years.

Me too - cloudy stain around faucets
by: Jon in SC

We have Silestone in our bathroom. The area near the tooth brush holder is awful; we have the same cloudy stain...its quite large.

Also near the faucets. It's like the finish has worn off. Again, Silestone did not stand behind their product.

Blamed us, something we used to clean it. It's a joke. Solution is simple... replace it and never install Silestone in a kitchen or bathroom where it may come in contact with chemicals.

==== Countertop Specialty comment:

In your case, it could be hard water deposits that commonly accumulate around faucets, soap dispensers, and toothbrush holders. Anywhere, water is frequently dripped or splashed.

You can remove hard water deposits using the Hard Water and Soap Film cleaner.

Dull White Spots on Silestone!
by: Judy Pryka

Interesting.... I have a black Silestone countertop that's about 3-5 years old. I've never used anything but mild soap and Windex on the surface.

Within time my counter also developed white dull spots that look awful! I've never reported or tried to have checked out. Disappointed in this product. I'll never purchase Silestone again.

Another vote for Magic Eraser Sponge
by: Vicky

I saw a Magic Eraser recommended here, thought it would be difficult to obtain one in UK but found a Flash Magic Sponge in our local supermarket, impregnated with Fairy liquid I believe, (so contains a suitable product for using on Silestone Quartz).

I did a small test area, then a whole section near the sink where the cloudy patches were most evident.

WORKED A TREAT!! I would advise extreme caution & the lightest of pressure, go in a uniform direction rather than random scrubbing all over the place. Very gently was all that was necessary.

Cloudy streaks/spots gone completely. I'm very pleased, & thanks for the recommendation.

I would advise buffing with a micro-fiber cloth to keep Silestone shiny whenever you wipe this surface with a damp cloth though - I don't believe it is overly 'fond' of water.

I doubt I'd choose it again but at least the cloudy problem seems to have been solved.

New today look used
by: Jennifer

I'm sick to my stomach. Just had Caesarstone quartz countertops installed today. They look years old.

Dull with no sheen, marks from who knows what, dull spots, two chips, stains from what could be use of acetone on the edges of several feet, dull along seam as if adhesive spread out, a huge rectangular mark that looks like a water stain, several dull rough spots from what looks like an attempt to rub something out and more.

Too depressed to go on. Will have the company come out but sure wish I had read this thread before selling my firstborn to buy them. $15,000 later I feel really, really ripped off and sick. My dream kitchen now an expensive nightmare.

===== Countertop Specialty comment:

This debacle sounds like a very inept and unscrupulous installer and not the fault of the Caesarstone quartz countertop material.

Everyone is always comparing and researching and trying to discover what is the one countertop material that cannot be damage under any circumstances. Well folks... it does not exist.

Understand that no countertop material is perfect. All can be damaged and must be cared for appropriately. To expect otherwise is simply fantasy.

That your particular quartz countertop has so much damage is almost certainly due to cluelessly poor treatment by the installer and not because the material is atrociously defective.

Caesarstone makes an excellent countertop. Quartz countertops in general along with many (but not all) granite countertops are the very best performing materials for a kitchen countertop. Not perfect. Just better than any other possible choice.

I highly, highly doubt that this countertop came from the Caesarstone factory in this condition. And if it did, then your fabricator should have rejected it.

In this case, I think your complaint should be directed at the installer and not Caesarstone.

Cloudy Blotches on Silestone
by: Angie

First I want to say I am so glad I read all the posts for cloudy blotches on Silestone. I have Silestone "Lyra", a light color that looks like Carrara marble.

I am having the same problem with cloudy blotches and thought I was going crazy. Like others, I have been super careful with it and cannot possibly imagine where these spots have come from.

They are nowhere near the sink area and, in fact, are in "low use" dry areas. I've had granite in the past and now wish I had gone with granite again. Silestone costs more money and is not as durable.

I do have 2 specific questions...

I was told by one of the installers to only use NO AMMONIA Windex for cleaning.

I have done this religiously. Could that product be causing the problem?

Also, could heat from a laptop computer cause this problem?

Thanks again for all your help. At least I know now that I'm not the only one with this problem.

===== Countertop Specialty comment:

Heat from a computer should not be a problem at all. But if used repeatedly in the same spot, then maybe it could cause some color fading or blotchy surface.

The Windex could be an issue, but can't say for sure. It is a fact that many common chemicals and cleaners can cause discoloration on quartz countertops.

For this reason and because quartz countertops are 90% natural stone, we recommend treating quartz like granite and using only quality natural stone cleaners on quartz countertops.

Doing so will eliminate any possibility of cleaner damage and keep your quartz as clean and shiny as possible.

Buffing seam on new installation caused "hazy" look
by: Ben

We are nearly finished with a kitchen remodel. Santa Margherita Italian quartz - a medium gray called Grigio Nube - was installed for our countertops. There was only one seam - over the dishwasher.

The installer did a very fine seam and perfectly color matched. However, when the seam was buffed, it left a hazy swath centered over the seam and about five inches wide. VERY VISIBLE, as it is not glossy like the rest of the countertop.

He came back to work on it today, and just made it worse - wider area of haziness with some slightly shinier steaks.

After he left, I went on the manufacturer's website and discovered he had "tried" a lot of stuff they said should be avoided (acetone, ammonia cleaners, abrasive cleaners, waxes, etc).

Is the quartz ruined or can it be polished if someone knows how to do it correctly?

==== Countertop Specialty comment:

Theoretically, it can be re-polished, but yes you really need someone with experience polishing quartz countertops. It also depends on the type of finish.

Some quartz finishes can't really be duplicated outside the factory. I'd get advice from the manufacturer.

Now I'm afraid to order Silestone!
by: Martha

(Not sure how old this thread is) Remodeling kitchen. Replacing laminate. Found a dark Silestone color, Dreis, for custom white cabinets.

Either Dreis or a Silestone with a Carrara marble look. This is an investment for us, and in our retired status, it will be it. No money leeway to replace.

Now, what to do??

Would the suede/matte finish be more forgiving? Sounds like Granite is the way to go?? Our kitchen is small and I thought granite veining might look too busy :(

==== Countertop Specialty comment:

Silestone is an excellent countertop material, however, no surface is perfect. You could potentially have a problem with any type of material or never have a problem with just about any material.

I'd definitely go with the darker Silestone color as the lighter and especially white quartz countertop colors are the most prone to damage or staining.

The special finishes like suede can actually be more problematic.

Granite is also excellent, but you have to choose wisely here as well.

Some granites can be very porous (mostly whites) and even though sealing will essentially eliminate the risk of stains, it's better to choose a granite that isn't too porous.

You may still want to seal it, but it will be very stain resistant and granite is rarely damaged by chemicals.

Of course, some granites are very dense, never need a sealer and won't stain. These tend to be the darker colors. And you have many granite choices with minimal movement so it won't look too busy.

Caesarstone Problems - Spots
by: Brian

Yep, our new Caesarstone countertop is having the same issues - blotchy, cloudy, smudgy spots that won't go away.

We have been ridiculously careful with the countertop and have barely used it.

We have had both the installer and a Caesarstone rep out on more than one occasion and have basically been told that it is common to have marks that won't wipe away.

What a joke and such a faulty product. Such a disappointment and waste of money.

Eco Stone by Consentino develops white specks too caused by gentle organic dishwashing liquid!!
by: Madelaine

I purchased a huge amount of black Eco quartz countertops and only after several months noticed these white specks formed in rings and ovals.

I lifted my drainboard and behold, a huge area of white specks had developed.

I contacted the dealer who sent an "inspector", who thought it was Silestone. I had to correct him and told him it was Eco quartz, which looks different from Silestone.

His report indicated "suspicious" white clouds.

The dealer insinuated that I must have used a harsh chemical. I told them I only clean with Windex as directed.

Why in the world would anybody who paid an arm, leg and torso for their expensive countertop use a harsh chemical to clean it!!

After months of frustration, I realized that these countertops cannot handle dishwashing liquids, even the gentle organic kind which is what use!!

Any quartz material should not be sold for use in bathroom or kitchens.

===== Countertop Specialty comment:

Sorry to hear about your issue, but quartz countertops, in general, are excellent for bathroom or kitchen countertops.

However, no surface is perfect. Every single countertop material has its strong points and weaknesses.

It may be that your quartz surface is having a particular issue that is frustrating. I can assure you that it happens with all surfaces.

I'd say 95% or more of quartz countertop owners have had no significant issue and are very happy.

However, another group has had problems with stains and chemical damage.

Based on your description it sounds a lot like a hard water problem. It may not be an issue with the countertops at all.

White specks, spots, rings, and ovals... cloudy surface. Hard water deposits can look just like this, maybe a bit rough, and occurs most commonly around sinks and faucets. It would be very noticeable on a black surface.

Hard water deposits are not easy to clean. You'll need a specially formulated cleaner like the Soap & Hard Water Film Remover.

Also, FYI... Windex is not a great cleaner for quartz or granite or marble countertops. It will leave them shiny, but also harsh enough to cause dullness over time.

Best to use a cleaner made specifically for granite & marble. Quartz countertops are 93% quartz which comes from natural stone... so treating quartz countertops like granite countertops is a good idea.

Doing so will keep you from ever damaging the quartz countertop.

Spots on new quartzite counter top
by: Emmie

We just had a quartzite countertop installed today and we are going to call the installer about a few dark splotches.

They look a lot like water spills, but of course, they are under the surface.

What I would like to know is if these spots are normal, or if they can be cleaned. Are these natural imperfections?

==== Countertop Specialty comment:

First, "quartzite" and quartz are two different animals. Related maybe, but "quartzite" is a natural stone.

Quartz countertops, on the other hand, are a manufactured surface using crushed stone along with reins.

The dark splotches you see on the newly installed quartzite may be stains from the adhesive leaching through to the surface. Not "normal" per se, but do occur somewhat randomly. That is, not always predictable.

Such stains may go away, but can be difficult to remove or even permanent in some cases. Have installer remove.

Caesarstone Countertops Hazy
by: Penny

I have had Caesarstone Countertops for two months. Everyone talked me out of granite because of the stain and care required for it.

This quartz countertop has a haze over the entire thing and it looks like the finish bubbled.

In the sunlight it looks like a film of dust. I am so sad. I would never recommend quartz countertops unless you want a real dull finish. I was told I could have the shiny finish on quartz. I certainly didn't.

==== Countertop Specialty comment:

Well, no surface is perfect, but quartz countetops are, in general, an excellent kitchen countertop surface and what you describe is not normal.

The problem is quartz countertop marketing and sales people make it seem as if quartz is 100% care-free and impossible to damage... which is not true.

Also, the whole "staining" issue of granite is blown WAY out of proportion.

The idea that granite stains easy and needs re-sealing every 6 months is complete nonsense.

On the vast majority of granite countertops staining is a non-issue.

Sealing granite is a simple process that only needs to be done 3-5 years on average...

... or only once if using a permanent sealer like SenGuard...

... or never if you buy a granite that is super dense and naturally stain-proof.

Yes, many granite colors/patterns do not need sealing and such varieties are the very best, lowest-maintenance kitchen countertop material you can buy.... but still not perfect or impossible to damage.

And again, Silestone, Caesarstone and other quartz countertops are super and perform very well in the vast majority of cases, but you can experience problems just like any other countertop material.

However, a newly installed quartz countertop should not look hazy or have surface defects. Contact the installer and Caesarstone to remedy.

Try Nanoscrub
by: Anonymous

I have dark gray Quartz counters less than 6 months old. Hazy film and splotchy areas and not sure of cause.

I used Nanoscrub with a magic eraser and they look beautiful again. I found Nanoscrub in the tile/grout isle at Home Depot. I hope this helps someone.

Inconsistent finish
by: Patricia

I had my Silestone (Ellensburg ) quartz countertop installed 3 weeks ago and I VERY disappointed.

The finish looks inconsistent. It is shinier in some parts and dull in others. It looks like there'a a plastic film on it.

The display I saw on Loew's had depth, but mine looks so flat and plain. The blacksplash looks as if it as not polished at all. The edge (bullnose) looks plasticky.

It also has some texture in some areas, but in others is smooth to the touch. As if there some very thin grooves between the little quartz stones.

Also, the color is inconsistent. Am I the only one having these problems? Are these defects or these inconsistencies are just normal? I have spent a lot of money on a surface that looks so cheap and old!

More than just cloudy blotches
by: Cindy

I just had my SECOND set of Silestone quartz countertops in Vortium installed today. This "set" is worse than the first.

The Vortium is a cream color with a very light, sparse pattern. There are small-the size of an eraser top-dull circles in several areas.

They do not polish off. They tried acetone and a "special chemical" from Consentino with no improvement.

Both sets have had multiple parallel faint gray streaks that are evenly spaced. It looks like roller marks that would be made, if it had been on an assembly line. They are not throughout the entire countertop.

First time they were on the island piece and now they are on both pieces to the right and left of the sink. They won't come out either.

Finally with both pieces there were several-for lack of a better term-scuff marks-and yes, you guessed it, they won't come out either.

Consentino says they've never had a problem with Vortium. The installer said that I am the type of person that likes a lot of light in my kitchen and that makes these problems more obvious! Anyone experience any problems like this?

Thrilled with Magic Eraser Results
by: BBC in CT

After reading the post suggesting the Magic Eraser I gave it a try and am thrilled with the results.

Glad to have my automotive polisher back in the garage. Thanks to the poster.

No Problems
by: Arnie

I have had Kona Beige quartz countertops for 2.5 years. No problems at all. I have never been careful with what I place on them. No spots, dull places-still looks just like it did the day it was installed.

Try This - It Worked!
by: Tim

We have had our Silestone countertop for about 4 yrs and have noticed a few "rings and cloudy areas.

After reading some comments went to a product that I have had for years and it worked very well in removing the rings and cloudy areas. It is called Gel-Gloss.

It is essentially a polish but works very well and you can use it on many other surfaces.

Cloudy Spots Gone with Magic Eraser
by: Chan

I too noticed a couple of cloudy spots in the middle of my year old quartz counter top.

I felt like crying because nothing seemed to remove them. took someone else's advice about using a Mr. Clean magic sponge....Gone! Thank you!

Cloudy spots on quartz countertop
by: Kim

We had black quartz installed a little over a year ago. I noticed a couple of cloudy spots right in the middle of the counter.

I tried the Mr. Clean magic sponge and managed to make them disappear! Thanks to the poster!!!!!!!

Sub-surface damage contributes to staining
by: Spencer

I work in an optical shop where we polish large pyrex, quartz, and cervit mirrors.

After the surface is ground, it takes many hours of polishing to remove the subsurface damage that occurs during grinding.

If all of the subsurface damage is not removed, the surface may look superficially polished out while it is still capable of absorbing fluids.

When these fluids evaporate, they leave behind whatever was dissolved in them behind.

It is just as difficult to polish out granite countertops. I suspect the coarse pattern in most granites covers up the problem.

The soft binding material in the synthetic quartz countertop surfaces probably adds to the problem.

cloudy botches on my quartz countertop
by: charmaine

I too like the others have experienced the same cloudy botches on my quartz countertops, which were installed a month ago.

The only thing I use to wipe it is dish washing liquid but it does not help. I should have just went for granite if I knew quartz was going to be a problem to keep it shiny. It makes my countertops look 10-years-old.

Silestone Non Porous...Really?
by: Anonymous

If the Silestone I just put as my bathroom countertop is non-porous....then why does water change the color of the countertop after it is wiped off?!? It looks as though it IS ABSORBED into the non-existent PORES!

water blochy marks - vinegar spot
by: Unhappy

I have Silestone as a shower/tub surround. When it was brand new it looked glossy and fantastic.

But after only 1 year it has water marks. I can NOT get them out. It is like the shiny finish is worn away, and streaks are very noticeable.

I would never tell anyone to use this product. I have tried every polish out there, tried baking soda paste etc. NOTHING WORKS.

I am trying to find a professional to re-seal it, but no luck so far.

Also, a ring is on the counter top, I used vinegar to clean the bathroom mirror and placed the spray bottle on the counter, now it appears the quartz surface is permanently marked.

I am sorry I had this put in and wish I had used tile and granite.

==== Countertop Specialty comment:

This is not a "sealing" issue even if Silestone could be sealed, which it cannot.

You don't apply a stone sealer to a surface that isn't porous enough to take the sealer. And sealers don't prevent chemical damage anyway.

Silestone countertops cannot be sealed since the sealer will not absorb.... which is also true for many granite varieties and marble.

The density of stone varies considerably and some are so dense / non-porous that they cannot be sealed either for the same reason... just won't absorb.

The countertop with the mark from vinegar is chemical damage, which may be permanent on Silestone.

Vinegar should not be used to clean Silestone or quartz countertops.

Vinegar is acidic. Quartz countertops are "resistant" to acids but that doesn't mean damage from acids is impossible.

The dullness on the shower surround may just be soap scum or hard water, which is very difficult to remove without the correct cleaner.

If it is soap scum we'd recommend using this Hard Water / Soap Scum Remover.

But it could be chemical damage as well if you are prone to using caustic products like bleach, vinegar and/or most bathroom cleaners.

Even on Silestone countertops it's still best to use a product made specifically for cleaning granite countertops and natural stone.

Not impressed
by: Nick

We have white Silestone countertops which after 1 year has a slight browny edge appearing about 2 cm along the entire edge of the countertops.

The kitchen installers are contacting Silestone to see what can be done.

I have been very careful with it and only used cif which was recommended when it was fitted. The whole surface seems to have yellowed too. Not happy at all.

by: Brendan Blakeslee, CT.

My wife and I noticed the same problem on our Silestone Tao (Flat Black) counter tops that are barely a year old.

After reading the comments and suggested improvements I used a brand new terrycloth pad on an automotive buffer/polisher (Sears 10").

With some patience, the marks all but disappeared leaving our countertops almost as brilliant as new.

I followed the dry pad with a light application of this Granite & Marble Cleaner on the pad NOT directly on the counter. They look like brand new.

I think that there is something in the water that is leaving these marks behind so we are now careful to wipe up any water on the counter immediately with a dry towel.

It seems to be working so far.

Cloudy Stellar Night Silestone
by: Julie

When I notice that my Stellar Night quartz countertop surfaces are starting to look the slightest bit cloudy, I rub them vigorously with a DRY microfiber cloth.

And by vigorously I mean pushing down HARD and using lots of good old fashioned "elbow grease".

This seems to take the haze out and restore the shine to Silestone. The longer I let the cloudiness accumulate, the harder it is to rub it out.

==== Countertop Specialty comment:

Great tip! Also, applying this Topical Granite & Marble Polish will help keep your Silestone shiny.

Silestone chips easy
by: Brian

I've had Silestone countertops for one year. I'll never buy it again.... It chips very easily. What do I I do to fix chips?

==== Countertop Specialty comment:

You can use the Marble & Granite Pit & Chip Repair Kit. The "gel" is for level surfaces and the "paste" for edges and vertical surfaces.

Works very well on Silestone countertops. dries clear, so the color and pattern show through for a nearly invisible repair.

Way better than the old method of mixing epoxy and color-matching, etc.

Good Luck!

Silestone blotchy, chips, streaky
by: Linda

We have Silestone Gedatsu countertops - a year old. I would never buy this product again. It streaks when you wipe it, looks blotchy in places and looks terrible.

It also chips very easily. We have never used anything on it for cleaning other the natural dish soap, rinse with water and try wipe smooth with microfiber clothes.

Way too high maintenance. A huge disappointment. The company does not stand by their product.

==== Countertop Specialty comment:

The streaks do not come from the countertop... they come from whatever you use to clean it.

Dish soap will streak and it will build up causing dullness and a general shoddy appearance.

Many stone companies recommend dish soap because most soap will not harm stone, so it is a "safe" recommendation.

However, it will do exactly as noted above and is simply not very good to use as a stone or Silestone maintenance product.

You should be using a good stone cleaner like these granite & quartz countertop cleaners, which cleans very well, doesn't build up and dries streak-free.

Same problem with grey Silestone
by: Anonymous

We have the same problem with grey Silestone - cloudy blotches started to appear about a year after we installed the countertops and are getting worse no matter how I clean the counters.

They are about 3 yrs old now and look worn and dull - especially on a sunny day when all glass rings and "clouds" are visible in bright light.

The counters are almost solid grey and the finish seems to be etched by water, fingertips and everything else that comes in contact with the surface.

We called the Silestone installer and were told that we are the only one with the problem and must've done something to the surface...

That's not true - I don't even cook much as there are only 2 working adults in our household!!!

We had Zodiac in our old house and loved it - no problems at all. That's why we choose quartz countertops over granite for this kitchen, but this time, it was a big mistake.

Silestone Blotches
by: Andy

We had new black Silestone counters installed in our kitchen 2 1/2 years ago and have the same problem reported by others here: various blotchy areas, where the surface is duller/cloudier than the rest of the counter surface.

The problem so far has been only on the counter where our sink is located and where we do most of the food preparation.

I've called Silestone several times, tried their suggestion of applying vinegar and baking soda compound to the areas, but this did not work.

In fact, it seemed to make the problem worse -- more noticeable. Called them back, told them we don't use anything other than normal gentle soap and water for wiping down the surface, so why the problem?

They told me what the other customers here were told, it must be something we did. I replied, if they advertise these surfaces for kitchen use, the surfaces should be able to withstand normal kitchen use!

The only thing they suggested was to apply Acetone or Paint Thinner to the affected areas, but I'm wary about doing that, for fear that it will worsen the problem.

We too have blotches on our Stellar Night
by: Matthew

We also have Silestone Stellar Night countertop in our kitchen. (Several square feet- an island, on a desk, next to the sink, etc.)

We also have had the same blotches/spots appear.

Actually the spots are easy to see when looking at the countertop from an angle with sunlight or overhead spotlights.

The spots look as though the sheen is missing. After contacting our installer/dealer, we also were told that we must have damaged our countertops with chemicals, as you stated, "no way".

We are currently having granite countertop installed in our bathroom and a gentleman from the company (different than the original Silestone distributor for obvious reasons) was at the house today to lay the template.

I asked him to look at our kitchen countertop and he told me that Softscrub should work at removing these spots, that it is recommended to customers and that it has proven to be a good cleaner for Silestone.

Unfortunately I didn't have a piece of Stellar Night scrap and tried it on a spot next to the sink that already had some spots.

The dull area became bigger and now I am really concerned.

I called the gentleman that had been at my house for the granite template and he seemed very surprised and told me that he would try to find a number for a Silestone representative since I was treated as crazy or reckless with my product by the distributor/installer.

After finally finding somebody with the same problem, and what a coincidence, the same color/type of Silestone (Stellar Night), I fear I too will be told that this is somehow our fault?

Do I eat the 5-6 grand we spent for the counters 6 years ago and put granite in the kitchen or live with it?

I read the answer to your post about using denatured alcohol and tried it (Home Depot $7) and it didn't work at all.

We're wondering if there is a problem with Stellar Night, as an employee from the Depot said that others have complained about the same problem.

We've wondered if our blotches are from frozen foods? (09/06/11)

=== Countertop Specialty comment:

Magic Eraser has been effective on occasion (not always) for similar damage.

Unfortunately, quartz countertops like Silestone can be damaged by several common chemicals and the damage can be permanent since it affects the binding colored resin that cannot be repaired.

But it also could be that this countertop color is particularly susceptible to chemicals or even acidic foods/drinks.

Again, try the Magic Eraser... it can truly work like magic for many cleaning issues. If it doesn't fix it, then likely permanent.

We had the same issue with our quartz counters
by: John

We had the same problem with our quartz counters.

We had the installers come out and they used denaturalized alcohol and took the cloudiness out instantly.

They said it might have been residue from when the plumber came to reconnect our sink. This might help in your case too.

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