Care and upkeep of new granite vanity top

granite vanity top

granite vanity top


Just had this granite vanity top installed. Purchased at Home Depot. brand: Pegasus, color: Napoli.

Website claimed this fact: Granite counter top is factory polished to a smooth gloss finish and is sealed for added extra protection.

What do you suppose they mean by "sealed"? What sorts of dangers must I be aware of with a bathroom granite vanity top? How do I know if it will ever need another sealant?


"Sealing" is the process of applying a special chemical to the granite to dramatically slow down the rate of absorption of liquids, which will help prevent stains and minimize granite counter top maintenance.

Many granites do not need sealing because they are naturally non-absorbent.

But all you need to do to determine if and/or when your granite needs sealing or re-sealing is to perform the water test.

When it needs sealing again, we recommend recommended marble & granite sealers

As far as "dangers" there aren't many granite maintenance issues if any that you really need to worry about in a bathroom. Granite is the best most durable and low maintenance surface you could install.

Go to our granite counter top care page for do's and don'ts of general cleaning and granite counter top maintenance.

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Less Intense Shine?
by: Anonymous

I have an odd question. A house I'm considering purchasing had a recent kitchen remodel, including installation of what looks like Black Galaxy granite counters.

The surfaces are very highly and uniformly glossy. I realize most people WANT this in black counters but it wouldn't be my first choice.

Is there any way to tone down the gloss level without damaging the stone?

I also realize the gloss may be a protective attribute and is sort of the point in choosing granite, but it seems a bit sterile to me.

This isn't a deal breaker for me, just wanted more information about it.

==== Countertop Specialty comment:

Yes, you could have the granite refinished to a honed finish. A honed finish is smooth but without the reflective shine. More of a matte finish.

Black Galaxy granite when polished is super-shiny. Some granite colors will polish to a higher gloss than others and this is one of those.

A high-gloss polish is desired by many people, but a honed finish (especially on black granite) is common.

A polished finish does increase the stain-resistance by closing down the pores of the stone.

But this isn't much of a worry with Black Galaxy granite since all black granites have a relatively low rate of absorption and are difficult to stain naturally even when honed.

Of course, having granite countertops honed in place will be messy and expensive.

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