Kosmus Granite Countertop


We are about to install Kosmus granite counter tops.

It seems to have a lot of mica in it and my installer has told me that it is a very brittle granite, will be difficult to seal and take care of.

We did not buy it from him (he is just installing it) and I'm not sure if he is just trying to get us to buy something else from him. It is a beautiful slab that i fell in love with. Thanks for your help. Kathy


Your installer is correct. Kosmus granite counter top slabs do tend to be brittle from all the mica, can easily cleft and crumble upon fabrication/installation and often will scratch and chip easily. It also tends to be expensive.

Don't know how you bought a slab independent of a fabricator/installer. Stone warehouses do not sell slabs to the public. You have to be a fabricator or installer (someone who knows how to handle heavy stone without killing someone).

The homeowner hires an installer who purchases the slab on behalf of the owner, has it cut and installed.

So, I don't think the installer is trying to get you to buy something from him. He is just being a good stone professional alerting you to the potential drawbacks of your choice while you still have a chance to do something about it.

Also, it makes his job potentially much more difficult since such a stone could break even if he's very careful and does everything right. Then he's on the hook for another granite countertop slab and maybe another round of the same problem.

But on the flip side, it is a dark, dense granite and it may be just fine. Remember, granite is a natural product. Every slab is unique and different slabs even of the same color/variety may perform differently. Sometimes poorly... other times no problem.

There are some stones that may be beautiful, but are commonly so difficult to work with that many installers will try to talk you out of it.

It only makes sense. If you were a painter and were asked to paint a house using a paint that you knew could suddenly change color... well you really wouldn't want to work with it.

granite countertop cleanerGood Luck,

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Comments for Kosmus Granite Countertop

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kosmus finish
by: vlado (slovakia)

hello kathy,

i would advice you to have the counter top finished in "brushed" surface. i personally use only this finish with kosmus for stress areas like for example counter top.
i have been using kosmus now for 10 years (even it is newer type for many stone suppliers). i always like to search and look for only special material (which rise always a lot of unknown questions) . believe me, this stone is absolutely wonderful in brushed (still shiny looking) finish. well it is as always a matter of design feel for your interior.

good luck.

Kosmus Kathy
by: Ryan

Kathy, any stone with a lot of mica tends to be brittle and scratch easier.

There is nothing except caution during use that will keep it from scratching.

Regarding fabrication: Like I said and your fabricator told you it can be difficult to work with, but it's not guaranteed.

Many Kosmus slabs have been cut without problems, but there is a greater possibility of problems when compared to other varieties.

I'd certainly be most concerned about the scratching. A kitchen countertop takes tons of abuse. Pots and pan, plates, appliances, etc. Even a normal, hard granite can show some surface scratches over time.

If your slab is scratching "easy" then you may have to be so cautious it becomes annoying.

Since the slab was shipped to a different warehouse of the same company, then I'd try to negotiate an exchange. They may want to charge you a bit for the hassle though.

It's no fun to loose money, but my opinion is that there are so many great looking granites that can be near bullet proof countertops, why install one that creates more maintenance and frustration.

Better to take a loss now and trade out to a different slab rather that live in frustration for the next X years.

Good Luck!

follow-up question and answer
by: Kathy

Thanks so much for your reply. I bought the Kosmus in Florida and the yard shipped it to my fabricator in Massachusetts. I had asked my fabricator about it before I shipped it, but he was with it and thought it was something else (Cosmic). The yard I dealt with here has a branch in Massachusetts. I did not have to pay for shipping as it went between the two yards and they were sending a lot of slabs up. (just 2 for me). I am now very concerned, and will be contacting the yard I bought the Kosmus from here. I have a small piece that broke off the slab up north and it does scratch easily.
My question is---can anything be done to the surface at this point to keep it from scratching or to make it less likely? If not what can I do to keep from losing all this money I spent if I decide to go with something else?---Thanks, Kathy

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